#selfcare births new ideas
Typically, on a Sunday evening I'd settle in to string together my thoughts for my blog post. However, last night my brain was just in the final phase of settling down from overload and words eluded me.
I accomplished a record number of tasks most of last week, but the massive list reached an epic level on Thursday. By 9:00pm, every task was checked off and I felt a great sense of accomplishment. However, I was completely drained and when Friday arrived, I hit a wall. Friday I opened one eye enough to dictate 1 text and immediately put my phone on DND (Do Not Disturb) and slept until 11:15am! Yes, that's right #selfcare just couldn't wait until the official start of the weekend. I eased into the day and took relaxation in stride and soaked up vital rays of vitamin D while I leisurely enjoyed a late lunch, organized tasks, appointments and emails. At face value it sounded a bit luxurious, but in turn balanced out since I ended up with a last minute project that lead to working most of the weekend.
I closed out the weekend enjoying exchanging ideas with new friends. Now I just need to figure out where and how to implement them. If I was to offer an assortment package that included 2 or 3 desserts, which ones would you like to be featured?
So this week, I had to extend some grace to myself and hope you will as well. I only made a small change to the weekly menu this week and didn't get to overhaul the ordering process as I had planned.
Be kind to yourself and others. I'd love to hear from you!