You know Father's Day is 1 week away, right?!
Welcome Sunday night!!! I've actively been working on mending my workaholic ways, so I clap loudly for myself with every step I make to actually take time off. Saturday I went to Camp North End for the first time with my friend. It was a nice little get a way and experience. We sat outside eating snacks enjoying a breeze that FINALLY wasn't humid. Getting rained on wasn't even that bad. I managed to relax in the breeze although my iPhone still buzzed with notifications that were all work-related.
I've already recorded an entire series of videos for the "Mastering the Details" YouTube series. As I get more efficient with managing my time, I realized what else is there to do when the kitchen is clean and I'm waiting for things to cool?! Why not record videos! I will release them slowly so viewers can watch them without ever feeling like they need to binge watch to get caught up. Like I said, in my FB post last week the videos are unscripted, unedited, and in real-time. This way you will know EXACTLY how long it takes to do whatever I'm demonstrating.
Now, back to Father's Day! I don't have pictures of the actual desserts I will be spotlighting for Father's Day, so I'll use a stock photo with a note to that effect so I can get the website updated this evening. THANK YOU to all who responded to my poll request! I did get quite a few votes on what should be on the Father's Day menu: Cheesecake and Summer Pie (Fruit/Berries) were tied! My brain is spinning with flavor combinations infused with Tequila, Maple/Bacon, and Bourbon.
Make sure you subscribe to the Beyond Decadence social media updates or our mailing list. I will definitely post later this evening and send out an email blast tomorrow morning with the final menu. Shipping will still take place Monday - Wednesday, but the free pickup days at Pita Pit will shift a little (Thursday AND Saturday) to accommodate picking up as close to Sunday as possible.
YouTube requires videos safe for kids to have the comments disabled, so feel free to post any comments here.
Happy Sunday evening!