Maybe just a little Grand Marnier or Kahula....
Happy HOT Sunday evening everyone! I love the quietness of Sunday afternoons as it slowly slips into Sunday evening.
Last week I had a 11.5 or 12, Zoom calls which felt like an all-time record. By the time I finished my last one Friday evening at 6:30pm, my brain was fried, my eyes were red, and my mental capacity had left the building.
In between all the Zooms, I managed to get orders prepped for Saturday. As I was in the middle of preparing Margarita Cheesecakes, the tequila well ran dry! I should have had plenty to get through the final orders if only there wouldn't have been a "bobble" which sent a pre-measured cup of the liquid silver running all over the counter and eventually soaking my left sneaker! So in the middle of making the cheesecakes, I had to run to the ABC Store to restock. While I was there I wandered around and looked at all the liqueur flavors and pondered what would go with the excess of lemons in my fridge. That was when my eyes fell upon Bacardi Lemon! It's rum kissed with lemon! I thought perfect! So I bought a little airplane size bottle and tested it! It gave the creamy lemon cheesecake a little extra "something" without being overpowering. I shared some with my neighbors and asked for their feedback. The yellow post-it is what one of them returned with the empty container - it made me smile from ear to ear!
I also picked up some small bottles of Kahula and Grand Marnier. They both would pair really well with a chocolate cheesecake.
In case you are wondering, "Does everything you make have alcohol in it?!" No, definitely not! I do have about 10 different liquors in my inventory, but not everything is the right fit for most recipes. These just happened to be the perfect fit for Father's Day, July 4th and summer.
This week Mini Strawberry Shortcake Kits and the Bacardi Lemon Cheesecake are joining the line-up!
Dates and things to keep in mind:
- Ordering cut-off for free local pickup at Pita Pit will close on Thursday, July 1 at 9:00am. Order pickup with take place on Saturday, July 3 anytime after 12pm until they close.
- We only ship via UPS Monday - Wednesday.
- "Mastering the Details" videos on our YouTube channel.
- Daily Pro-Tips on any of our social media channels.
- Our Private Virtual Baking Experiences are now open for enrollment!
We look forward to serving you soon!